De la sección de Entrecomics de Oldies but Goldies, os paso este especial que han dedicado a Batman.
- Batman: Dr. Strange and the monsters (1940), de Bill Finger y Bob Kane.
- Batman: The case of the prophetic pictures (1940), de Bill Finger, Bob Kane y Jerry Robinson.
- Batman: Knights of knavery (1944), de Don Cameron y Jack Burnley.
- Robin: Robin the robot (1948), de Jim Mooney.
- Batman: The Joker’s utility belt (1952), de David Vern y Dick Sprang.
- Batman: The Joker’s millions (1952), de Bill Finger y Dick Sprang.
- Batman: The challenge of the Calendar Man (1958), de Bill Finger, Sheldon Moldoff y Joe Certa.
- Batman: The city of ancient heroes (1958), de Bill Finger y Sheldon Moldoff.
- Batman: The menace of false face (1958), de Bill Finger, Sheldon Moldoff y Charles Paris.
- Batman & Superman: The origin of the Superman-Batman team (1958), de Edmond Hamilton, Dick Sprang y Stan Kaye.
- The second Batman and Robin team (1960), de Bill Finger y Sheldon Moldoff.
- Batman: The Bat-Mite hero (1964), de Sheldon Moldoff y Charles Paris.
- Batman: The house The Joker built (1967), de John Broome y Sheldon Moldoff.
- Batman. The hunt for a Robin-Killer (1968), de Gardner Fox y Gil Kane.
- Batman and Wonder Woman: The Widow-Maker (1969), de Mike Sekowsky.
- Batman: Half an evil (1971), de Denny O’Neil y Neal Adams.
- Batman: Moon of the wolf (1973), de Len Wein y Neal Adams.
- Batman: Judgement Day (1974), de Archie Goodwin y Howard Chaykin.
- Batman: Death flies the haunted skies (1974), de Archie Goodwin y Alex Toth.
- Batman: May the best man die! (1975), de Bob Haney y Jim Aparo.
- The Joker: The Joker’s double jeopardy (1975), de Denny O’Neil e Irv Norvick.
- The Joker: The sad saga of Willy the Weeper (1975), de Denny O’Neil e Irv Norvick.
- Batman: The laughing fish (1977), de Steve Englehart y Marshall Rogers.
- Batman: Sign of the Joker (1978), de Steve Englehart y Marshall Rogers.
- Batman: Nine cradles of death (1984), de Doug Moench y Don Newton.
- The secret origin of the Golden Age Batman (1986), de Roy Thomas, Marshall Rogers y Terry Austin.
- Batman: Fear for sale (1987), de Mike W Barr y Alan Davis.
- Batman: The killing peck (1989), de Alan Grant y Sam Kieth.
Bonus tracks
- Batman: Sanctum (1993), de Dean Raspler y Mike Mignola.
- Batman: Questions multiply the mystery (1995), de Chuck Dixon y Kieron Dwyer.
- Batman: The hunt (1996), de Joe Kubert.
- Batman: An innocent guy (1996), de Brian Bolland.
- Batman: Date knight (2004), de Darwyn Cooke y Tim Sale.
- Batman: Deja vu (2005), de Darwyn Cooke.
- Batman: Poison (2005), de Brian Azzarello y Jordi Bernet.
- Batman: Batman a-go-go (2006), de Mike Allred y Laura Allred.
- Batman: 1947 (2006), de Scott Hampton.
- A Batman story (2006), de Mark Evanier y Sergio Aragones.
Hay algunas maravillas dignas de echarles un ojo con atención. No dejéis de verlas.
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